Welcome to ESDGC in Cardiff

This blog brings together news, information and resources for Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) in Cardiff Schools. It is brought to you by the Cardiff Sustainable Education Network (CSEN).

What is ESDGC?

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) develops people’s skills to take action that improves our quality of life now and for future generations.

Since sustainable development and global citizenship are both relatively new concepts and potentially complex and intellectually challenging, we need a sustainability literate, globally aware population. This is the challenge for education at every level.

Visit the ‘Getting started with ESDGC’ to find out more.

What is CSEN?

The Cardiff Sustainable Education Network focusses on education and raising public awareness on issues of education, sustainability and the environment by promoting ESDGC to schools, colleges and the public in Cardiff and surrounding areas. CSEN has been in operation for a number of years and is a constituted network with over 100 members.

In 2014 CSEN joined forces with C3SC’s Cardiff Environment Network. C3SC is supporting CSEN to ensure the network can continue offering opportunities for cross-sector engagement between a variety of partners.

How do I get involved with CSEN?

There are lots of ways to get involved!

Become a member

If your organisation is interested in education, the environment and sustainability then consider becoming a member. Members are included in the CSEN directory and can send details of their services, resources, events and jobs for inclusion on this blog and the regular ESDGC in Cardiff school newsletters. CSEN members can also offered get free membership of C3SC and can access the range of C3SC’s support services. To find out more about membership please email Kevin Rahman-Daultrey at kevin.r@c3sc.org.uk or call (029) 2048 5722.

Submit some news for the website

Do you have an event, resource or service to support schools in Cardiff to deliver ESDGC? Please email it to hannah@free-range-learning.co.uk. Send over all the details any pictures you would like included.

Come to a CSEN meeting

CSEN aims to hold an open meeting once a term. Check the sidebar on the right for details of the next meeting.



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